Monthly Archives: June 2010

when skin becomes alien

I feel my skin is alien to me, my lips could go away from me and my hands could just walk away if I shirk them away, and I see myself in the mirror to see if I am anything different than what I have seem myself. Funny alchohol could do to you.

I shake my head and I am worried if my head would snap away from my body. I am worried about if I jump I would fly away to space…

My lips are acting funny, they seem to bend to all directions. If I try to poke my fingers into my nose or even try to type they seem to be swollen and I wonder whether they will fit into my small keys of the laptop.

I wink I feel my eyes might gouge out. If I try to wrinkle my skin, my ears try to escape my muscles.

You try to walk, you are walking on the moon., ac tually you are tying to tyoe,m you are super fast, one more thing, the more you try to apply your mind and do difficult things like writing and thinking the effect seems to wear away.

No wonder people don’t like to think when they are taking the effort to get drunk why they would not like to hear or talk any gyan!!!

Only one thins is missing, about the increased sex drive people are supposed to feel, may be its waned down because my friend has asked me to play intimate love songs.:-)

Wow, i…

This is my attempt to capture how it feels when you are drunk.   interesting experience… 3 April 2009.